It is reported that there are over 11 million people with limiting long term illness, impairment or disability in UK and 19% of working age adults are disabled; so as an employer, it is likely that at some point you will need to support a disabled job applicant or employee by making reasonable adjustments. Under the Equality Act 2010 you will have a duty to make these adjustments.
A reasonable adjustment helps to remove, reduce or prevent obstacles that may disadvantage someone at work who has a disability. Often adjustments can be low cost or free and can include things such as;
· reserved parking space near to the office for an employee with mobility issues
· additional time to complete tasks
· additional breaks
· phased return to work after sickness absence
· an ergonomic keyboard or mouse for musculoskeletal problems.
An example of workplace adjustments for an employee whose disability or health condition is affecting their memory and concentration could include;
· moving their workstation to a place in the office where there are less distractions
· making adjustments to their tasks for example, not asking them to take notes at a meeting
· providing workplace coaching to help them develop strategies to better manage their memory and concentration issues.
Available funding
There is a fantastic Government scheme called Access to Work which provides practical support to disabled people at work. If you have offered a disabled person a job or have a disabled employee they may be eligible for Access to Work support, which can help cover the costs of support in the workplace.
An Access to Work grant can pay for;
special equipment
support worker services
help getting to and from work.
Remember - you will only need to make adjustments that stop your employee suffering a disadvantage at work.
If you need help and advice on making reasonable adjustments for an employee with a disability or long-term health condition, contact us info@harris-hr.co.uk or call 01273 552862